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The Campbell Foundation Teams With amfAR: A Winning Combination

Although The Campbell Foundation traditionally has focused on funding individual research, sometimes being part of something bigger makes sense. That’s one of the reasons we decided last year to provide amfAR with a $50,000 matching grant for HIV cure research.

amfAR, like The Campbell Foundation, is dedicated to the support of HIV/AIDS research, so when they came to us with a proposal to provide a matching grant, it made sense. The Campbell Foundation could harness the power behind the amfAR brand, which in turn would allow us to help them reach a financial goal.

Through the months of September and October of 2014, amfAR challenged its supporters to match dollar for dollar up to the $50,000 we provided. The idea was a winner. At the end of the challenge we were able to turn that $50,000 into nearly $200,000 – enough to put a research team to work for two years.

Launched in 2014, amfAR’s “Countdown to a Cure” is aimed at developing a scientific basis for a cure for HIV by 2020. To learn more about the matching grant’s success, click here.

This blog was created to keep our donors up-to-date on those successes and to let them know how they are helping those who are living with HIV/AIDS.

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